Thursday 30 June 2016

Q&A teenager problem !!!!!!!!

Hey lovelies! What's upp? This week i'll be doing Q&A teen talk. I posted one picture about Q&A about a week ago, then i ask ppl to ask anything that they wanted me to answer, so yeah let's get started!

@Joella4forever : When you singing in public, did u feel scared? How can you handle ur nervous?

Answer: Yeah, sometimes i feel scared and i'm just wanted to cry cause a lot of ppl watching me, i handle my nervous by imagine that I'm singing in toilet hahah lol. 

Questions :
@Milla_Sanitiona : I got a serious lip cracked problem, how can you help me to solve this problem? 

Answer: I usualy use vaseline petroleum jelly after wake up from sleep, after eat, before played or go out and before sleep. You should try it, it's really works for me. If in 1 or 2 week, ur problem still not solve, i think you should go and ask doctor for help.

Questions : 
@Sapphire_Fans : I don't really like my body because i am not so thin. Do you have any suggest what can i do ? 

Answer : It's really easy, you don't have to diet cause it will make u unhealthy. So i suggest you to exercise twice a week and drink a lot of fruit juice to keep ur muscles up.

That's all what i can answer, I'll answer the rest on my next update.

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